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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Holiday Shopping with Mobile Web and Apps a Popular Choice

The holiday shopping season is almost upon us, soon we will be making our lists and checking them twice before starting to search for gifts. I always look forward to this time of year, and like the majority of shoppers (54 percent), I plan on doing mine in November or December. I can’t get organized enough to start shopping for Christmas in October but 33 percent of people decide to get an early start and (hopefully) beat the holiday rush.

When holiday shopping with mobile devices, there is no need to brave the genuine crowds at the mall to get your Christmas shopping done. People who own these types of devices are very likely to use them to get their shopping done. According to a study conducted by Mojiva, about half of mobile device owners will use them for this purpose- that includes me.


Shopping with mobile apps      Shopping through mobile web

Not only will mobile device owners do their holiday shopping through mobile web or applications, they also plan to spend more on electronics than consumers who favor more traditional Christmas shopping methods. The same study found that 70 percent of them will spend $20 or more on a gift, while 40 percent will go as high as $50 on an item for someone on their Christmas wish list. Overall, it sounds like shoppers are embracing their mobile devices this holiday season. Personally, I am quite happy to skip the crowds, put on my iTunes and buy my gifts on my cell phone.

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