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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Keep it Simple When Planning Your Mobile Marketing Campaigns

When deciding how to structure mobile marketing for your business, simplicity counts. I know that many business owners are interested in adopting this type of marketing method to reach out to customers, and for good reason: they work.

As mobile phones continue to become more popular with consumers, they will become increasingly more likely to depend on this technology to send and receive messages. Companies can use text message marketing to send messages to its customer list to provide information about special offers or promotions, turning browsers into buyers.

Since mobile phones and tablets have smaller screens than a desktop model, keeping the messages short and to the point is the way to go. A buyer who is out and about wants to receive marketing messages in bite-sized chunks, and mobile marketing campaigns are the perfect way to deliver the information they need to make a choice about where to buy a product or service quickly.

Along with keeping the messages simple, a successful mobile campaign will be one that doesn't forget that this type of marketing involves receiving, as well as sending, messages. Be ready to deal with inquiries from customers made from their hand-held devices and tablets so that they can receive the information requested in a timely manner.

Customers who are looking for information using their mobile phone are open to making a buying decision in the moment, and reaching out to them in this way will help to boost your bottom line.


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