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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why Mobile Marketing is Here to Stay

I came across a number of interesting statistics that pertain to mobile marketing and devices, which I would like to share. Based on these figures released by the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, this type of marketing strategy is only going to become a more important way to generate revenue for business owners.

   Mobile subscribers number 6.6 billion - that's nearly 95% of the entire world population
   There are 1.3 billion broadband subscribers
   73 percent of people who own smartphones use them while shopping
   40 percent of brands have their websites optimized for mobile internet users
   90 percent of the planet is covered by mobile service
   75 percent of the world's population is connected by mobile technology
   8 trillion text messages were sent in 2011, which works out to 1,100 text messages per person
   1.2 billion apps were downloaded during the last week of December 2011

Consumers love their mobile devices and savvy marketers will be making sure that they are developing strategies that will work well with them. Businesses that are getting a lot of traffic from handheld devices need to make sure that they have a mobile-friendly site. Internet users who are using smartphones and tablets to browse for information are working with a much smaller screen than desktop computer users. A mobile website needs to load quickly and the site owner may need to forgo some of the bells and whistles of the main site to accomplish this goal.

As mobile marketing continues to grow in popularity, businesses will begin to see mobile as a "must" in their overall marketing strategy, rather than an addition or "nice to have."