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Friday, February 3, 2012

Majority of Tablet Owners Making Purchases Weekly

The tablet is increasing in popularity among consumers, still, we were surprised to discover that most tablet owners are using them to make purchases weekly. According to a report published by theInteractive Advertising Bureau, 72 percent of tablet owners use their devices for mobile commerce.

The average amount of time spent on retail therapy each week by tablet owners is 4.4 hours. Smartphone owners reported spending 2.2 hours weekly making purchases. PC owners said they spent 2.9 hours each week shopping online.
With tablet sales continuing to grow, the number of consumers using this type of device for surfing the internet and making purchases will increase. What can companies interested in mobile marketing learn from this? I would say that these numbers could be interpreted to mean that a pool of buyers is already in place and that they are prepared to open their wallets.

Mobile marketers should take this information to heart. They can make the necessary changes to ensure that tablet users will land on websites that are mobile-ready and will provide a rich experience for them. Tablets are very popular among consumers looking for downloadable products, and companies offering them will want to make sure that buyers can make a selection, pay for it, and download it quickly and easily.

Shopping with tablets is far from being a fad. Now that consumers are embracing this type of mobile device for making purchases, it will continue to grow in popularity.


  1. I can believe it. It's like carrying a shopping magazine around everywhere owners go. Shopping websites need to be on their toes if they want to keep their businesses growing, since mobile Internet is taking such a quick leap.

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